What is Mobile SEO?
Categories search engine optimization

What is Mobile SEO?

Smartphones aren’t just an accessory but an essential part of our everyday lives. We can look up information, order a product, take pictures, book appointments, and call or text someone in a matter of minutes.

With more people spending time on their smart devices, it is essential for website owners and digital marketers to customize their websites to become mobile SEO friendly. But what is it in the first place?

Mobile SEO is optimizing your website to ensure it responds seamlessly on mobile devices. When implemented, your web pages provide an excellent user interface and experience to visitors regardless of their device names and screen sizes.

Some businesses do not regard this in their digital marketing, and that’s a huge problem. When your website is not set for mobile SEO optimization, it will affect your conversion efforts and your target audience’s perception of your business.

This article offers a breakdown of what it is and the mobile SEO best practices to deploy on your website.  

Importance of Mobile SEO

According to research, 52% of global internet traffic comes from smartphones. This is an eye-opener for business owners to customize their websites for mobile SEO. Search engines prioritize mobile user experience as a ranking factor during an organic search.

Why is SEO mobile important? We look at the reasons below:

Loads Your Website Quicker

Your site loading speed is essential to how and where your site shows up on SERPs. When your website takes a long time to load on mobile devices, it sends a wrong signal to search engines.

Mobile SEO ensures your website loads quickly for your visitors and search engines.

Decreases Bounce Rate

Visitors might leave if your website is unresponsive, increasing your bounce rate. A high bounce rate means your web pages aren’t suitable for mobile users.

Mobile SEO service helps lower your website’s bounce rates, allowing people to spend more time engaging with your content.

Improves Mobile User Experience

Another importance to optimizing your website for mobile SEO is that it improves the user experience of your visitors using smartphones. When people get into your website and can seamlessly navigate different content, it leaves a great impression on them.

They’d want to recommend your website to their friends and family. Mobile SEO makes sure of that.

Responsive On All Mobile Devices

Another importance of mobile SEO is that it ensures that your website is responsive on all smartphones. It ensures that both Apple and Android phones of different screen sizes can access the same content without delays.

Increased Mobile Conversions

Mobile SEO is essential because it improves conversion rates from your mobile visitors. Your bottom line will improve significantly when people can have a seamless customer purchase journey.

Mobile SEO is what you need to crown your digital marketing efforts with great success.

These are just a few of the many benefits of implementing SEO for mobile on your website.

Difference Between Mobile SEO and Desktop SEO

Difference of Mobile and Desktop SEO

Most people often mistake mobile SEO and desktop as the same thing. While they might be similar in operation, they have distinct functionalities.

What are their differences?

● Location. This is one of the significant differences between both SEOs. Search engines consider the location of smartphones to deliver local results to them. This is because most phones make use of GPS to identify their location. While desktops have location monitoring, it is not an essential factor for delivering results. So, the results for desktops may be generic.

● Click-through rates. Due to the nature of both products, their click-through rates (CTR) are pretty different. For mobile devices, the CTR is low, as users will want to take their time to preview the meta title and description before clicking it. For desktops, the CTR is relatively high, as they get access to more search results due to their landscape screen size.

● Search layout. Another difference between mobile SEO and desktop SEO is the search layout. Mobile phones are evidently smaller, revealing fewer results at a time. Desktop SEO displays various search results due to its landscaped screen size.

Why Is Mobile SEO So Important to Generate Traffic?

You’ve learned that mobile SEO is essential for your website. But why is it important in the grand scheme of things?

According to Google, people spend 70% of their digital time on mobile devices. This means there’s a high possibility that most of your website visitors will be smartphone users. If your website is mobile-friendly, they will keep returning there and recommend it to their friends and family.

An unresponsive website is a massive turn-off to smartphone users, which might affect your ranking position on SERPs. Conversely, when your website is mobile-friendly, your conversion rates will go up.

How to Check for Mobile Traffic in Google Analytics

Do you want to monitor your website traffic from mobile devices on Google Analytics? It’s pretty easy. Follow these steps:

● Sign in to Google Analytics with your Google account.

● Select your website account from the menu.

● On the dashboard, click Audience > Mobile > Overview.

You will be able to see and analyze your website traffic from smartphones.

How to Check for Mobile Traffic in Semrush

You can also track your website’s mobile traffic using Semrush, another web analytics tool. All you need to do is:

● Sign in to Semrush.

● Visit Traffic Analytics.

● Input your website and click on Traffic Overview.  

How to Check if Your Website Is Mobile Friendly

Checking if your website is mobile-friendly is one of the best Mobile SEO audits you should carry out. So, how do you check if your website is mobile-friendly?

● Use Google Mobile-Friendly Test Tool. Using the Mobile-Friendly Test Tool, you can check if your website is mobile-friendly. All you need to do is input your URL on the box and click to view the report.

● Check mobile usability report on Google Search Console. You can also use your Google Search to know if your site is mobile-friendly. On your dashboard, visit the Mobile Usability report to track and troubleshoot the mobile-friendliness of your website.

Google Search Console

● Use other checkers. You can also utilize other online digital tools to check if your website is mobile-friendly. They include W3C Mobile Checker, MobiReady, Small SEO Tools, SiteChecker, BrowserStack, and many more.

How to Optimize Mobile SEO

Now that you know mobile SEO is essential to your digital marketing campaigns, what are the best practices to optimize it?

● Improve your site loading speed. Your website loading speed is vital to have excellent conversion rates. Our previous article covered how to make your website faster.

● Make your website responsive. Your website should be responsive for both PCs and smartphones. Your web development and design should take implement this.

● Improve your mobile user experience. Looking for different information from your website shouldn’t be difficult. Ensure that everything is in the right place to improve user perception of your website. Your navigation bar should be easy to locate.

● Optimize title tags. Every website page should have a meta title and meta description, as search engines also use that as a ranking factor.

● Optimize ‘near me’ content. Your content should be optimized for local results. The reason is that Google considers the device location when displaying results.

Mobile User Experience

Mobile user experience (often referred to as UX) refers to a user’s positive experience when using a device to access something.

Your website should have an excellent user experience, as it is essential for lower bounce rates, higher conversions, and increased sessions.

WordPress Plugins to Make Your Site Mobile-Friendly

Popular CMS, WordPress, comes with a truckload of themes and plugins that promises mobile-friendliness. However, there are standout plugins that will make your website as responsive as possible.

They include:

● Superfly

● Smush

● Jetpack

● WP Mobile Menu

● Hummingbird

● Touchy


Mobile SEO should be incorporated into your digital marketing efforts to achieve the best results. Need a helping hand to make it possible? Abstrax Web is a leading digital marketing firm tasked with improving your website to fulfill your marketing objectives.

Our services include website design and development, website analytics, content marketing, website wireframing, and many more. Contact us today to see how we can help take your brand to the next level.

What is Keyword Cannibalization and How to Fix It
Categories search engine optimization

What is Keyword Cannibalization and How to Fix It

Website owners worldwide want the same thing: for their web pages to rank for specific keywords during an organic search. So, it’s totally natural to see them conduct keyword research, improve their content marketing, and optimize their pages for the best results.

One such standard practice is optimizing your web pages for the exact keywords. The rationale is that the more your web pages appear on SERPs, the greater your chances of attracting more visitors, right?

Well, that’s not the case. That’s simply the act of keyword cannibalization. It sounds ominous because it actually is. It spells doom for your SEO and your digital marketing campaign in general. Thus, if you discover it, you should take steps to rectify it.

This article explores everything you need to know on cannibalization definition, how to discover them, and how to go about fixing them.

What is Keyword Cannibalization in SEO?

Keyword cannibalization occurs when multiple pages of a website target the same keywords and rank against each other during an organic search. This simply means you have your website competing against itself. That’s usually a bad sign when SEO is involved.

Cannibalization in SEO poses more danger to your digital marketing strategy, as your click-through rates (CTR) and conversion will be split between multiple pages instead of one. Google and other search engine bots aren’t going to see the relevance of numerous pages.

Thus, these bots will weigh these pages against each other and choose the one suitable for that organic search.

Let’s say your eCommerce website sells boots; boots are the only keyword you optimize and target. Google will only assume all the pages of your website is about boots, even if they’re displaying rain boots, hiking boots, training boots, etc.

So, what happens when you engage in SEO cannibalization on your web pages?

● Diminished page authority. When you have multiple pages ranking for the exact keywords, their respective page authority gets diminished. This means your page views and conversion will be split.

● Diluted backlinks and anchor texts. You will earn backlinks from other websites when your web page is relevant. When your keywords are cannibalized, your backlinks will be split between less relevant pages.

● Search engines may devalue the more relevant page. The problem with content cannibalization is that Google may end up devaluing the more relevant web page.

● A signal of poor content. When multiple pages target the exact keywords, it sends a wrong signal to your readers that you lack great content.

Keywords cannibalization is terrible for your website. You should avoid it and fix it immediately. 

How to Check for Keyword Cannibalization

There are multiple ways on how to find cannibalized keywords. They include:

Run a Site Search

One of the easily identifiable ways to check for cannibalization is to run a site search. All you need to do is enter Google and search ‘site:yourwebsite.com “topic”’

Consider the example below for The Washington Post for the keyword “Biden.”

You can do the same for your website and see the number of pages that show up on organic results. From the results you find, you can tell which web pages are cannibalized and rectify them.

Run a Google Search and Remove Host Clustering

Another way you can identify content cannibalization is to remove host clustering. You can discover this by running a filtered search on Google.

You can simply choose a keyword search and search for your website when the results appear. 

Follow these steps:

● Type the keyword.

● Click Ctrl + F (windows) or command +F (Apple) and type ‘yourwebsite.com’

● Check how many times your website appears for that keyword.

With these keyword cannibalization checkers, you can discover if your web pages are cannibalized.

How to Fix Keyword Cannibalization

From what we’ve explored so far, keyword cannibalization poses a high risk to your website. If, after identifying your web pages have been cannibalized, you should take active steps to fix them.

Implement the following strategies:

Create New Landing Pages

One of the best ways to fix keyword cannibalization SEO for your website is to create new landing pages. Every website needs an authoritative landing page where all your content can be consolidated.

You can create different products and blog pages and implement broader keywords when you have a unique landing page. Your landing page should be a central point for all your content pages.

So, you can have a landing page that explores boots in general and product pages that address sports boots, hiking boots, rain boots, and others.

Merge Content

If you notice multiple pages are ranking for the exact keywords, you can merge them together in one post. You shouldn’t make the mistake of copying and pasting one content into another. 

Instead, take your time and rewrite the web pages into a fantastic article or blog post.

Let’s say you have one article about ‘content marketing for beginners’ and another about ‘benefits of content marketing’. You can combine both of them into one blog titled ‘Everything you need to know about content marketing’.

Google will see this as a comprehensive guide and rank it during an organic search.

Find New Keywords

Another foolproof way you can fix keyword cannibalization is to discover new keywords. 

Chances are your web pages are cannibalized because you’ve been implementing a poor keyword strategy.

You must ensure that the web content correctly describes the keywords you targeted. Put yourself into your readers’ shoes. Will they be satisfied after going through your content? If the answer is no, then you need to research suitable keywords that will uniquely optimize the page.

Some of the best keyword research tools include Ahrefs, Ubersuggest, SEMrush, Google Keyword Planner, SECockpit, Moz, KWFinder, and KeywordTool.

How to Avoid Keyword Cannibalization

From the previous, we can see that fixing keyword cannibalization is possible. But most times, prevention is better than cure.

Preventing content cannibalization will lower the risk of spending quality time fixing the issue. So, how do you avoid it? Follow these steps below:

Have a Targeted Keyword Strategy

Implementing a targeted keyword strategy is one of the best ways to prevent keyword cannibalization. It simply optimizes your web pages to rank for different keywords in SERPs.

Hence, you have multiple web pages ranking for different similar keywords instead of having them rank for the same thing. Thus, your audience is treated to different quality content while you stay on topic.

Do Regular Content Audits

After establishing a targeted keyword strategy, you need to monitor and track your progress using tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

But much more than that, you must conduct regular content audits to ensure your published content satisfies your readers and your marketing objectives.

Your content audit should provide answers to the following questions:

● Are your topics relevant and compelling?

● Are the facts in the article correct?

● Are you optimizing the right keywords?

● Are your keywords essential to your marketing goals?

You should ensure that your content suitably matches these questions to avoid keyword cannibalization.


Keyword cannibalization in SEO is not only dangerous for your website but for your brand. Now that you’ve discovered what it is, you can go ahead and avoid it entirely. You can also take steps to fix it when it occurs.

Categories search engine optimization

Why On-Page Optimization is Important

Two major aspects of SEO for websites are off-page and on-page SEO. While off-page SEO focuses on things outside your control, on-page SEO deals with what happens inside your site.

Both of them are essential to ranking better on SERPs. However, if you don’t deploy on page SEO techniques, you stand little chance of getting it right with off-page SEO. When people talk about improving their website to rank better for targeted keywords, they’re referring to on-page SEO.

This article explores on-page SEO, its elements, and its benefits for your website. Check it out.

What Is On-Page SEO?

On-page SEO services optimize your web pages to get better ranking results during organic searches. It deals with everything about your website that is in your control to optimize for SEO performance.

Poor on page SEO services will lead to depleted leads, increased bounce rates, fewer sales, and even the likelihood of being flagged or penalized by search engines.

On page SEO involves optimizing your website’s HTML code, internal linking, meta data, web design, and web content – all of which can impact your website’s visibility on SERPs. Search engines place emphasis on on-page SEO as a ranking factor.

What Are Benefits of On Page SEO?

On page SEO comes with several benefits for your website. They include:

● Better rankings in SERPs. On-page SEO services include creating high-quality content and optimizing it to rank for targeted keywords competitively. Without on page SEO, it is difficult for your website to appear on organic searches.

● Better crawling and indexing. Search engines will only display your web pages if they understand what it’s all about. With on page SEO, they can understand, crawl, and index your web pages accordingly.

● Improved local search. Another benefit to this particular SEO is that it gives you better visibility for your business. If your business deal with a local audience, it makes sense to appear in local searches. It can only be possible with on-page SEO services.

● Increased web traffic. When your web pages are optimized for organic searches, you will begin to receive traffic. You can track your website activity using analytic tools like Google Search Console and Google Analytics.

● Lower bounce rates. Website owners want people to interact with their web content and fulfill several objectives. If your website isn’t optimized, people will leave after they land on your website.

● Faster website speed. On-page SEO also improves your website loading speed, improving user experience. In fact, page loading speed is a ranking factor on Google.

● Mobile optimization. Most people who will interact with your web content are smartphone users. On-page SEO services also involve optimizing your website for mobile-friendliness.

● Increased conversion rates. The aim of every website admin is for people to fulfill brand objectives. It could be ordering a product, downloading a whitepaper, or subscribing to a newsletter. On-page ensures that these objectives are seamlessly done.

● Long-term web page value. It also improves the value of your web pages on SERPs. You will earn several backlinks from other websites if your pages are highly valued.

What are the On Page SEO Factors?

Now that you know that on-page SEO is important for your website, what are some of the on page SEO factors to consider?

● E-A-T. It stands for expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness. Your website should fulfill these elements to rank better in organic searches.

● Target keywords. This is the foundation of your website content. Thus, your website should feature the target keywords to be used – either in the meta data, heading, or body of the text.

● SEO writing. Your website copy should be optimized for SEO. After conducting keyword research, you should incorporate those keywords into your web content. It is essential to keep your content simple and easy to read.

● Visual assets. Your web content should feature infographics, videos, and images to make the content appealing to visitors.

● HTML. HyperText Markup Language is the coding language used to structure your web content.

● Geotagging. If your website services a local audience, geotagging your content makes it easy for people to find it.

● Responsive design. Your website needs to be optimized for mobile devices and PCs.

● Links.  Inbound, outbound, and internal links are essential for your website’s visibility.

On Page SEO Elements

On-page SEO consists of several elements contributing to your website’s performance during organic searches. These on-page SEO elements are equally important. They include:

Meta Data

Meta data (or meta tags) are snippets of code describing a web page’s content. It’s the first thing you see in SERPs when you type in a query. These tags do not appear on the web page when you open them. It is only available on the HTML source and can be seen on SERPs.

There are different types of meta tags available:

● Meta title. Search engines view this as the title of your web page. It appears at the top of the SERPs. Your meta title should be optimized for the target keyword and user-friendly simultaneously.

● Meta description. This describes what your page is all about. It highlights some of the key answers users may be looking for, which will inspire them to click and read the rest of the content.

● Meta robots. These bots give search engines pointers on what to index and what not to.

On-Page Content

Content is King. What makes your website stand out from others is the content displayed on your web pages. Thus, it is essential to publish authentic, high-quality content that is compelling and engaging to your target audience.

Your content should also be optimized for target keywords, so that engines can understand what your website is all about. People will find your content useful when it provides answers to their questions.

Focus on quality rather than quantity.

Site Structure and Internal Links

Site structure and internal links are heavily underrated in on-page SEO. You need to ensure that all your web pages are properly interlinked, which will increase the chances of ranking your pages.

Your site structure should also be optimized for smooth navigation. People who land on your website and find different sections easily will always come back.

How to Do On Page SEO Audit

There are several steps to deploy in performing an SEO audit. These steps include:


● Perform keyword research

● Understand the keywords your competitors are ranking for.

● Check your website’s indexed URLs.

● Analyze your website loading speed.

● Confirm if your website is mobile-friendly.

● Cleanup and submit a new sitemap.

● Remove duplicate content.

● Track your website performance using analytics tools.

How to Improve On Page SEO

After performing an SEO audit of your website, how do you improve your on-page SEO? Follow these tips below:

 ● Publish high-quality content.

● Update your content regularly.

● Optimize your meta tags.

● Optimize your website for faster loading.

● Make your site mobile-friendly.

● Make your web pages attractive to receive backlinks from other websites.

Abstrax Web On-Page SEO Services

Abstrax Web is your one-stop destination for improving your on-page SEO for better visibility, lead generations, sales, and other benefits. We have a team of professionals who will perform a comprehensive SEO audit and improve your ranking on organic searches.

Reach out to us to see how we can help competitively promote your website in ways you never imagined.

What are SERPs?
Categories search engine optimization

What are SERPs?

Search engine result pages (SERPs) are precious to digital marketers and website owners. It’s the first thing people see when they search for content online. Thus, it is commonplace to see several websites in fierce competition to rank for organic and paid searches.

Why? It’s highly competitive for websites to be ranked on SERPs. As Google constantly implements changes to ranking websites. Thus, it is increasingly becoming more sophisticated to anticipate and prepare for search engine and user needs.

Knowing how SERPs work and the steps to optimize your website for visibility and traffic is essential. This article explores all you need to know about SERP in digital marketing and its unique features.

Let’s dive right in.

What is SERP in SEO?

SERPs are a search engine’s response to a user query. These are the pages provided to users when searching for online content using any search engines available. When a user includes specific keywords, Google bots search for relevant content from millions of web pages and present these results to users.

SERPs website ranking is particularly unique to every user’s search query. Thus, two people can search for the same thing and get different results. Even when the results appear the same, there may be subtle differences in how each SERP will be displayed. But the interesting thing about it is that each result will be relevant to their needs and provide an excellent user experience.

For the sake of this article, we will be focusing on Google, as it takes over 80% of the market share of searches.

Components of a SERP

SERPs is a unique Google feature that comes in different components. Each of these components is particularly unique to user experience during searches. These components include:

Paid Search Ads

Paid search ads are result pages paid to be showcased by a digital marketer or an advertiser. Initially, these sections take limited ads and are only text-based. However, they can display several results and web forms.

The central results are considered the prime positions for search ads. Most digital marketers and web admins work to bid for the keywords and optimize their web copy to appear there and receive clicks.

There are image-based ads also displayed. Most of these shopping ads are from eCommerce retailers like Amazon. These special ads feature the products, their star reviews, product availability, and links leading to the product page on the retailer’s website.

Getting on these sections on SERPs would require you to have a high-quality website and a better bid than others bidding for the same SERP website ranking space. Why? It’s what people see when they search for a particular keyword before seeing organic results.

Paid search ads and Organic search results

Organic Search Results

Organic search results are pages that appear as a result of the user search query. Digital marketers focus on their Google SERP analysis on this particular component. Thus, you’d see them conducting website optimization to rank better in organic searches.

Organic search results feature all the web pages that have been optimized and contain relevant SERP management on the search query. Organic search results feature several elements:

One such element is the Knowledge Box. This feature provides concise answers to user questions in a particular section of the SERP results. For instance, when you type a famous personality’s name, you will find information such as age, date of birth, height, name of their children, and links to websites where their biography is expressed in detail.

You should structure your website to be optimized for organic search results because it is long-lasting and cost-effective in the long run.

Local Search Results

Local search results (sometimes called Local SEO) is a SERPs review section that displays content based on your location. Most of the results are displayed in the form of Maps and search content.

Local Search Results

Local search results come into full effect when people conduct ‘near me’ searches on Google. For instance, if you type ‘Fast food restaurants near me’ Google will provide customized results based on the device location.

Immediately Google detects that you’re performing a local search query, it will display Map Packs leading you to businesses close to your device. It will also display other SERP competitions such as Google My Business listings. You will typically find details such as business name, address, URL, contact number, photos, videos, and customer ratings and reviews.

If your website caters to a local audience, you should optimize it for local search results. The reason is that 30% of all searches are related to a location. 83% of people use Google search to learn about local businesses.

Related Searches

As the name suggests, related searches are SERP results that show queries related to your initial search. With this panel at the bottom of SERPs, you can conduct further searches and learn more about your original intent.

Your website should not only focus on SERP competition on organic and paid searches but include related searches. The reason is that users also find out information about those searches.

It also offers you a unique opportunity to know your target audience and what they’re looking for. Thus, you can prepare better SERP management by publishing high-quality content.

What is a SERP Feature?

A SERP feature is a unique search feature unrelated to organic search results. Some of the most common SERP analytics features include:

● Knowledge panel. This panel shows concise information about celebrities, weather, or other details. It is meant to feed the user with answers to their search query.

● Paid results. These results are typically displayed at the top of SERP competition pages and sponsored by brands looking to rank for specific searches.

● Universal results. These are additional results that are displayed alongside organic results. These include videos, news, and featured snippets.

● Rich snippets. This result shows a visual representation of a search query. Review stars and customer reviews are SERP examples of rich snippets.

● People Also Ask. This section of SERP pages reveals the questions people ask about your search.

How to Enable SERP Features for Your Website

While most people think it’s a complicated process, you can optimize your website to reveal SERP features. Follow these simple steps:

● Conduct SERP keyword research.

● Use schema.org to structure your website data. You can also follow the General Structured Data Guidelines to apply structured data on your website.

● Optimize your website for sitelinks.

● Submit your sitemap to Google.

● Use Google Analytics to track your website performance.

● Write high-quality content.  

How to Check SERP Ranking

Having your website appear on SERP is essential for generating leads, improving traffic, and boosting sales for your brand. There are several tools you can use for your SERP position analysis.

They include:

● AhrefsWhat’s My Serp


● Serpwatch

● Serprobot

You need to include your URL and the keywords you’re looking to rank for, and you’ll see the results.

Rank in SERP With Abstrax Web

Ranking higher in SERPs require you to implement on-page and off-page optimization. Some of these strategies are quite technical. That’s why hiring an SEO agency is recommended to handle these strategies seamlessly.

Abstrax Web is a leading consultancy that helps small and big brands rank competitively on organic and paid search. Our services include keyword research, website optimization, web design and development, content marketing, and many more.

Reach out to us to see how we can help promote your business.

Categories search engine optimization

Why an SEO Audit Is Important?

Beyond creating your website, getting it to rank for a targeted keyword is particularly essential. It’s one of the crucial aspects of digital marketing. People typically use search engines to look up information. And would visit the pages displayed on SERPs for the information.

For Google to display and rank your website above others, your web pages must be properly optimized for visibility and traffic. So, how will you be able to tell if your web pages are strategically optimized? That’s where an SEO audit comes in.

This article explores advanced SEO audit and its importance for your website. Let’s dive in!

What Is an SEO Audit?

An SEO Audit analyzes your website to spot the factors and metrics that might impact its SEO performance in SERPs. You can say it involves how your website works with SEO best practices, and you’d be absolutely correct.

An SEO audit aims to discover all the nominal and technical issues affecting your website’s visibility during organic searches. Some of the elements of an advanced SEO audit include:

● Onpage SEO audit issues.

● Website structure issues.

● User experience issues.

● Content gaps and opportunities.

● Competitive marketplace insights.

● Potential off-page issues.

● Technical SEO issues, and many others.  

As search engines are constantly changing the way web pages are ranked in SERPs, your website needs to be audited regularly for the best performance. Think of it like a regular checkup where illnesses can be quickly spotted and rectified before it causes serious damage to your system.

What are the Benefits of an SEO Audit?

Implementing an SEO audit of your website comes with several benefits. They include:

● Improved website performance. One of the benefits of an advanced SEO audit is improved website performance. The audit reveals if your web server is overloaded with too many requests. It will discover if your web content is loaded as quickly as possible to your target audience. You can rectify and improve your website performance with such information at your fingertips.

● Optimized content. An audit will reveal if your website content is optimized for SERPs. While each website is built for a different audience, it is essential to know the keywords to focus on. An SEO audit will reveal that to your digital marketing team.

● Improved user experience. An SEO audit will also lower your website’s bounce rates. If people are spending more time on your website, it’s a great sign. It means your user interface and experience are excellent.

● Better SEO performance. An SEO Audit exposes technical issues affecting your website’s inability to reach SEO success. With better SEO performance comes better traffic for your website.  

Types of SEO Audits

There are different types of SEO audit to implement for your website. They include:

On-Page SEO Audit

As the name suggests, on page SEO audit focuses on analyzing and optimizing elements and structures within your website that are affecting your SEO. These elements are under your control, and you can tweak them to your benefit.

It involves the following:

● Keyword research. One of the key elements of an on-page SEO audit is keyword research. This is an essential aspect of your SEO performance long term. Before creating and publishing content on your website, you need to research the keywords that will lead people to your website. You can check out your competitor’s websites to see what their content is focused on. You can use keyword research tools like SEMRush, KeywordTool, Ahrefs, and Keyword Kegs.

● Keyword Usage. Beyond keyword research, an on-page SEO audit also involves spreading those keywords across your meta tags, headers, and content. You should deploy this properly and avoid keyword stuffing. Google frowns at keyword stuffing and might penalize your website.

● Internal linking. An audit also checks if your web pages are interlinked. If you’re creating new content on your website, it should link to previous pages of your website. This will make people and search engines locate other pages faster.

● Sitemap. This is a file that contains all the important pages of your website. HTML and XML sitemaps help search crawlers and people to locate different sections of your page easily.

Off-Page SEO Audit

Off-page SEO deals with elements that are beyond your control but can’t still affect your SEO performance. This includes the following:


These are links that direct people to your site from other websites. When a reputable website links to your website, some of its readers might land on your page for more information. Backlinks can also help you rank better for specific keywords. The reason is that search engines rate your website as valuable if other websites are linking to it.

You can use backlink checker tools like Ahrefs and Moz to see the website referencing your web pages.

Technical SEO Audit

Professional SEO audit also involves the technical aspect of your SEO performance. It deals with the inner workings of your website. It includes the following:

● Website security. Site security is also an essential aspect of your SEO performance. In fact, Google has confirmed that site security is a ranking factor. If your website isn’t secure, you risk having your content stolen. More so, users can interact freely with your content when they know that your website is secure.

● Mobile-friendliness. A record 63% of all organic searches come from mobile devices. Thus, your website should be optimized for smartphones. If your website isn’t, your website is going to experience higher bounce rates. Google focuses on mobile-friendliness when crawling and indexing web pages and considers it a ranking factor.

● Page speed. A web page that takes too long to load is bad for SEO. People want to click and access relevant content within the first 10 seconds. They will leave and seek the content elsewhere if your website’s slow loading speed. A Google Search Console SEO audit will ascertain if your page loading speed is satisfactory or not.

How to Do an SEO Audit

When it comes to SEO audits, there are several tips to deploy. They include:

● Conduct on-page technical SEO checks

● Manage your internal and external links

● Check your page speed with Ubersuggest.

● Perform a backlink audit.

● Manage your internal and external links.

A professional SEO agency can conduct all of these actions if you cannot handle these tasks efficiently.

How Long Does an SEO Audit Take?

An SEO audit is a comprehensive process that might take time to accomplish. If there are more on-page, off-page, and technical SEO errors, it will take longer to rectify and fix everything.

An SEO audit can take up to 6 weeks, depending on the changes and implementations.

What Are SEO Audit Tools?

SEO audit is a digital process, so there’d be tools to make the job easier. These tools include:

● Google Search Console

● GTmetrix

● Google Analytics

● Screaming FrogSEOmator

● SEMrush Site Audit

● Google PageSpeed Insights

Conduct an SEO Audit With Abstrax Web

If your website isn’t generating traffic and leads, then it’s due for an SEO audit. Some of the processes explored in the article may be too sophisticated if you don’t know how to perform an audit. Hiring an SEO expert to handle and fix these issues seamlessly is essential.

Abstrax Web is a leading SEO agency that helps businesses improve their visibility and performance from organic searches. Our services include web design and development, website architecture, content creation, digital marketing, website wireframing, and many more.

Reach out to us to learn how we can help your brand.