What is Off-Page SEO
Categories search engine optimization

What Is Off-Page SEO?

If you’re a website owner, one word you’ll be familiar with is SEO. It is the only way people access your website through organic searches. If you want your website to outrank others, get more traffic, increase leads and boost conversions, then you need to take effective SEO strategies.

While most digital marketers and website owners focus on on-page SEO, they easily overlook the significance of off-page SEO. So, what is it?

Also known as offline SEO, it is the set of techniques done outside your website that improves your search engine rankings. Most people use off-page SEO and link building interchangeably. However, the reality is that link building is just a form of off site SEO.

Off-page SEO is all your activities outside your website that make Google rank it above others in an organic search.

Why Off-Page SEO Is Important?

Off-page SEO is just as important as on-page SEO. Why? It’s a unique way to tell search engines like Google and Bing that your website content is relevant to others on the internet. 

Thus, every mention and backlink your website earns from external sources is an excellent sign to search engines.

Offline SEO is also a unique factor that these engines use to display websites on SERPs. For instance, a web page with more backlinks will rank above similar pages of competitors without backlinks.

It’s like this: if your website has high-quality content, it will get noticed by other websites that will reference it in their web content. More so, it will likely get mentions on social media, generating curiosity and increasing traffic and leads for your business.

Thus, the benefits of off-page SEO include the following:

● Increase position rankings on SERPs. One of the benefits of offline SEO is that your website will rank higher when organic searches are conducted for the target keyword.

● Increase in PageRank. This number between 0 and 10 shows the importance of a website or page with search engines.

● Establishes trustworthiness. If more websites are linking to your pages, Google sees it to mean that your website fulfills Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T). This plays a vital role in your ranking positions on SERPs.

● More exposure. If more websites and social media platforms are referencing your website content, it will give you more exposure. This is beneficial for your digital marketing efforts.  

How to Do Off-Page SEO

How to Do Off-Page SEO

Now that you know off the page SEO is significant to your SEO success, how do you pull it off? Follow these practical steps:

Link Building

Link building or backlinking is one of the most popular off-page SEO techniques. It is designed to increase the natural links directed to your web pages. Established websites linking to your web content increase the likelihood of ranking higher than your competitors.

So, while it’s crucial to earn backlinks from typical websites, getting references from reputable ones gives you a boost. It is a sign that your website meets the E-A-T standard. Visitors use it to access your web pages and navigate to other parts of your website.

Do not just build links for the very purpose of building them. Understand that it is significant to your website performance from both organic searches and reference visits.  

The question now is, how do you convince other websites to give you a backlink?

● Create high-quality content. Content is king in our digitized world, and content is the difference between a successful and not-so-successful website. When other websites find your content interesting, they will share links to your website.

● Join an association. Another way you can earn backlinks from others is by joining an association. It could be a niche/industry association. You can reach out to members and earn a link on the association’s website.

● Reach out to people. It would help if you were proactive in reaching out to people. You can submit a proposal to journalists, bloggers, and website managers to host published content or share relevant links to their websites.

● Share content on social media. Social media platforms can also play a significant role in your off-page SEO. Get traction by publishing appropriate content and sharing it on your business pages on social media. Take advantage of hashtags to optimize your posts.

Having excellent content makes all of these tips easy to implement.  

Local SEO

Another off page SEO checklist to look out for is optimizing your local SEO. It’s a unique way of customizing your website for local results. If users conduct “near me” searches, Google can display your website and other content.

How do you do it?

● Create A Google My Business Page. According to reports, 46% of all Google searches seek local information. Thus, the role of having a Google My Business (GMB) page cannot be overemphasized. Sign up for GMB and complete the information by filling in accurate details. Once completed, tell your customer to leave positive reviews on your page.

● Get registered on niche directories. Another local SEO technique is registering your website and business to online directories. Examples include Spoke, Blogarama, Bing Places, Yelp, Yellow Pages, and many more.

Press Release

Sending out a press release is another off-page SEO technique you should consider. If you’re introducing a new product, service, shipping line, or anything to share, you can incorporate it into a press release for publication.

You can include your products and services in the press release and share a link to your website.

Social Media

Social media remains an untapped resource for off the page SEO. While social media links do not directly impact your ranking positions on SERPs, they can improve your brand awareness, promoting traffic to your site.

Your digital marketing isn’t complete if your brand doesn’t have social media pages. Your brand is trustworthy to visitors and potential customers when they can connect with it on social media. You should create Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, TikTok, and other pages.


Podcasts are the in-thing now, and you can take advantage of them as your digital marketing strategy. It’s a great way to reach new audiences, discuss your offerings, share professional expertise, and gain authority.

If people find your podcast interesting, they’d want to check out your website. If you haven’t been thinking of launching a podcast, you should do so.

Guest Blogging

Guest blogging is the process of submitting content to another website to publish. While such content is provided to their target audience, it can also significantly contribute towards your SEO campaigns.


It exposes your website to a new audience who might be interested in your unique offerings. Thus, you can use guest blogging to generate traffic for your website. The most important thing to consider here is your content.

If your content isn’t engaging, no one will allow you to guest blog on their post.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is also another way to conduct off-page SEO. Brand and niche influencers can significantly promote your website.

You can reach out to influencers to review and discuss your website and its offerings. Ensure that the people you hire are niche influencers. There’s no point in hiring a toothpaste influencer to promote your website that focuses on children’s toys.

On-Page SEO vs. Off-Page SEO

On-Page SEO vs. Off-Page SEO

What’s the difference between on-page and off-page SEO?

On-page SEO focuses on everything that goes on with your website to improve its rankings from an organic search. Some measures include keyword research and optimization, meta tags optimization, interlinking, mobile-friendliness, user experience, site loading speed, and many more.

On the other hand, off-page SEO focuses on activities that happen outside your website but helps improve its SERPs rankings. Examples include guest blogging, podcast marketing, local SEO, and backlinking.


Off site SEO is just as vital as on-page SEO in your digital marketing campaigns. Thankfully, our complete guide has provided you with all you need to know on the subject matter. If you’re too busy to take it on, you can hire a professional service to provide it for you.

Abstrax Web is an innovative digital marketing firm tasked with improving your website performance and achieving tremendous results. Our services include website design and development, SEO marketing, content marketing, wireframing, and off-page SEO.

Reach out to us to see how we can help your brand.

Categories search engine optimization

12 Ways to Secure Your WordPress Site

Beyond having an excellent website appearance, securing it should be a priority. No matter your digital marketing efforts, it will be all for nothing if your website isn’t secure. The internet is a dangerous space, and vulnerable websites are at the receiving end of cyberattacks.

If you use WordPress CMS, you should ensure your website is safe from internal and external attacks. WordPress is currently the most attacked CMS in the world, recording 90,000 attacks per minute.

This means you should secure your website against WordPress security vulnerabilities. This article explores all the practical ways you can do so.

Why Is WordPress Security Important?

If you’re using WordPress CMS for your business, you need to take steps to keep it secure. But why do you need to do so?

Google Loves Secure Websites

One of the factors Google uses to rank websites on SERPs is its security architecture. Thus, only secure websites get displayed and get visibility from organic searches. Therefore, one of the simplest ways to outrank your competition is to make your website secure.

The reverse is the case if your website is vulnerable to attacks.

It Keeps Your Digital Assets Safe

One of the importance of an encrypted website is that all your digital infrastructure is safe. This includes personal and sensitive information about you, your products and services, and your customers.

When a breach happens, this information gets stolen, resulting in ransomware, identity theft, downtime, and other forms of attack. It is essential to keep your website secure as it will save your reputation in the long run.

Your Visitors Expect Your Website to be Secure

Another reason to keep your WordPress website secure is that your visitors automatically expect it. WordPress security experts know this, which is why they spend a lot of time optimizing and encrypting websites.

Your customers need to find your website trustworthy enough to save their personal information on it. This entails payment details, contact addresses, and phone numbers. If they catch a whiff of insecurity about your website, they will never visit again.

How to Secure Your WordPress Site

Conducting WordPress security services for your website requires you to follow a set of best practices. Most of these practices apply to websites across different CMS. However, most of them come with a strong emphasis on WordPress.

What are the website security checklist to take note of?

Update Your Version of WordPress

WordPress is an open-source platform subject to constant improvements and updates. The platform is designed to automatically download and install minor updates. However, you’d have to manually download and install significant updates.

You need to also consider the plugins and themes on your WordPress site, as they’re developed by third-party designers. Some of those features, when outdated, are loaded with WordPress security vulnerabilities.

To update your WordPress, login to your dashboard and click Updates to see if you’d need to install updates for the platform, plugins, and themes. Follow the update instructions on the site to learn about the update.

Update to the Latest Version of PHP

Another way to keep your WordPress secure is to install the latest version of your PHP security for websites. It lays the foundation for your website, and you need to check if it’s updated.

Typically, every PHP update is fully supported for your website, fixing WordPress security issues and bugs for at least 2 years. After that time, a new update is released and comes with heightened security.

WordPress will prompt you on the dashboard to update your PHP to the latest version on your hosting account. Contact your web developer if you no longer have access to your hosting account.

Implement SSL Certificates

You can also protect your digital infrastructure by installing and implementing an SSL certificate for your website. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a unique technology that encrypts the connection between your visitors’ browsers and your website.

It also ensures that the web traffic is safe from external interruptions. If you don’t have it set on your WordPress CMS, you may have to deploy it manually or use a dedicated SSL plugin.

Having an SSL certificate directly influences your visitors’ impression of your website. If your website isn’t secure, Google will notify and redirect visitors who click on it. To know if your website is secure, visit your homepage and check the URL.

Secure URLs begin with https://. The ‘s’ means it is secure. However, if it starts with http://, you must get the SSL certificate.

Enable Web Application Firewall (WAF)

Another website security checklist to consider is installing a firewall. It is like a fence mounted between the network hosting your WordPress and other networks. It helps prevent unauthorized traffic from infiltrating your website.

Installing a Web Application Firewall (WAF) to protect your website from external attacks is essential.   

Install a Security Plugin

Install a Security Plugin

You can also keep your WordPress and all things secured by installing a security plugin. These plugins can help scan your entire site for malware and cyber-attack attempts and identify loopholes that might make your website vulnerable.

Security plugins also reset and restore your WordPress, eliminating content theft such as ransomware or hotlinking. Some recommended plugins include Jetpack, Security Ninja, Malcare, Shield Security, and iThemes Security.  

Use Secure WordPress Hosting

Your WordPress hosting provider may significantly influence how secure your site will be. You should look for a hosting provider that protects your website information without security breaches.

Some recommended WordPress hosting providers include HostGator, Bluehost, WP Engine, Nexcess, GoDaddy, and others.

Use a Secure WordPress Theme

The role of a secure WordPress theme cannot be overemphasized. If your website theme isn’t compliant with WordPress standards, it is prone to attacks.

To check if your website’s theme is secure, copy the URL of your website into W3C’s validator. If your theme isn’t secure, select and install a more secure one.

Change the Default “Admin” Username

When you create a new WordPress account for your website, the platform automatically gives you a default Admin username. It is essential to edit and change it completely.

Cybercriminals can take possession of your website if your username is set to default.  

Secure Your Login Procedures

You can also keep your website secure by implementing the following secure practices:

● Make use of strong passwords.

● Enable two-factor authentication (2FA).

● Restrict login attempts.

● Enable auto-logout.

● Add a captcha.

These page security practices will help protect your website against attacks.

Hide Your Wp-Admin Login Page

You should also consider hiding your WordPress admin login page. This page is visible after creating an account, and cyberattacks can deploy illegal techniques to get access to your website.

You should also hide your wp-config.php and .htaccess files for your site.

Disable XML-RPC in WordPress

XML-RPC is a protocol that enables WordPress to communicate with external mobile and web applications. However, since the introduction of the REST API, the XML-RPC protocol has become obsolete.

This is because it allows cyber attackers to submit requests containing hundreds of commands, making brute attack login possible. If you’re not using XML-RPC, you should disable the xmlrpc.php file.

You can use the XML-RPC validator to check if your site is still using the protocol. You can use your WordPress security plugin to disable the API.

Conduct Regular WordPress Security Scans

It is essential to carry out routine security scans on your website. You can check at least twice a month to identify any loopholes, bugs, and issues with your site.

Some recommended WordPress scanner plugins include Jetpack, BulletProof Security, Wordfence, and others.


Securing your WordPress website should be your utmost priority. You want to keep your assets safe, improve the perception of your visitors and customers, and outrank your competitors on SERPs.

We’ve provided you with everything you need to keep your website safe and secure. So, go ahead and protect your website now.

Semantic SEO for higher rankings
Categories search engine optimization

Semantic SEO for Higher Rankings

Search engines like Google and Bing constantly change how search results are displayed to users. The reason for this isn’t far-fetched: search engines want to be as user-friendly as possible.

Thus, website owners and digital marketers are encouraged to move with the trend by getting familiar with organic SEO, local SEO, on-page, and even advanced SEO. We’ve covered most of this on our blog, as we always do.

But have you heard about semantic SEO? It’s a game changer for brands and businesses to have the desired traffic and conversions from search results. Your competitors may already be implementing this. But there’s no better time to know about it than the present.

This article provides a complete guide on semantic markup SEO, its importance, and how to implement it for your website. Let’s dive into it.

What Is Semantic SEO?

Before we explore semantic SEO, let’s take them apart and look at them differently.

Semantics is understanding language and the intent behind using sentences, phrases, words, or text. On the other hand, SEO is the process of optimizing your website content for users and search engines to earn a higher ranking on SERPs.

Bringing the two words together, semantic SEO is the practice of publishing content for a topic and not just focusing on a keyword. This means you must consider the intent of your audience and create high-quality content that will provide all the information they need.

Those days, digital marketers and website owners earned higher positions on SERPs by repeating the exact keywords all over their content to trick engines. Black hat SEO techniques such as keyword stuffing were abused.

Google and other search engines figured those websites were only interested in ranking higher and not providing relevant content to users. Now, the focus is on the semantic relevance of the content, putting users at the forefront.

For instance, if you google “Cryptocurrency”, you may be dissatisfied with web pages that define it. You’d like to also find out its benefits and how to buy, save and trade cryptocurrencies. A properly semantic content will explore everything behind user intent.  

Thus, semantic SEO requires you to create more depth into every content published, improving the search experience of your audience.

Importance of Semantic SEO

These days, Google bots crawl through millions of pages, analyzing everything about them to better understand them before revealing them in search results.

How does semantic SEO play into all this?

● It helps search engines recognize your content. With search engines making user-friendliness a criterion for ranking higher in SERPs, semantic content is all you need. It enables the algorithms of these engines to see your content as valuable to your potential audience.

● It allows search engines to see you as an expert. Search engines see you as an authority when your content provides a robust analysis of user search.

● It allows users to see you as an authority. Users who stumble on your page to see a comprehensive guide will regard you as an authority. Thus, they’d be more likely to visit again and recommend it to others.

● It helps optimize your content. Another importance is that it allows you to identify areas in your web page to optimize. Thus, the semantic structure provides more value to your users and potential visitors.

● It increases your website sessions. When your website is relevant, people tend to spend more time. This is an excellent sign to search engines that your web page is relevant – another factor it considers for SERPs rankings.

If you haven’t thought about optimizing your web pages with semantically related content, now’s the best time to do so.

Benefits of Semantic SEO

So, what are the benefits of semantic SEO? We look at them below:

Creates Internal Linking Opportunities

One of the beauties of semantic content is that it creates more room to link other pages of your website. The reason is that you’re not only focusing on keywords but covering a relevant topic.

For instance, as we talk about semantic SEO, we can also link why on-page optimization is important because they’re closely related and relevant to having a website that stands out.

Ranks More Keywords

Another benefit is that it ranks more keywords for your web page, giving you better SEO performance. This is because you’d use more semantic keywords instead of focusing on a single keyword.

Of course, your web content will have a focus keyword, but your content will also rank for others. Using latent semantic indexing (LSI) keywords are more important than before. It gives your content more insight and context.

Increases Content Quality

Implementing semantic analysis SEO on your content helps to improve its overall quality. This is because your content addresses an entire topic and not just provides answers to user queries.

With semantic content and structure, you can create high-quality web pages that resonate with your audience and search engines.

Increases Session Duration

When your audience finds your content attractive, they will stay longer, increasing their session duration on your website. This is a great sign that your user experience is excellent. It also improves your SEO performance.

How to Do Semantic SEO

From what we’ve discussed, you need semantic SEO to improve your website performance and outrank your competitors during an organic search.

But how do you pull it off? Practice these simple tips:

Optimize for Keyword Clusters

Keyword Clustering

These days, Googlebots doesn’t rely on ranking web pages based on optimizing one keyword. Thus, implementing semantically related keywords into your web content is essential.

Keyword clustering using semantic words will expand your content and topic and allow more keywords to rank.

Create Topical Depth Content

Another way you can pull off semantic SEO on your website is to create a topic that has depth and insight. This means you should practice creating excellent topic outlines for your content.

Here’s how to do it:

● Create a list of queries related to a particular topic.

● Review the user intent behind those queries.

● Identify the target audience and if the content is targeted to a specific location.

● Determine the content for the meta tags, headings, and subheadings to use.

Web content with depth will always attract the right audience.

Answer “People Also Ask” Questions

Beyond providing quality content for your users, you should look at the list of queries under the “People Also Ask” section. This section shows you questions that users are also looking for related to the target keyword.

People Also Ask Questions

Take a look at those questions and answer them in your content, as it will improve the depth of your content. One of the instant benefits of this is that it increases the chances of ranking your web pages for different keywords.

Publish Longer Content

You should create long-form posts to optimize your web content for target keywords. You will not be able to explore a topic in detail using 400 words. Content of such word count will not be able to have more room to include semantic keywords.

It would help if you tried to hit above 1,000 words while removing fluff (unnecessary sentences and words) from your content. The aim is to have robust content that people will be interested in.

Use Structured Data

Semantic structured data is the language that the bots of search engines understand. It presents web content in a way that these bots will proceed. Such content happens to get previewed as a featured snippet.

Semantic markup SEO classifies the content on your website, adding more context and helping search engines know what it is all about.

Use Synonyms or Related Terms

The core message of semantic SEO is making use of synonyms or related terms of a keyword. This removes the problem of keyword fluffing and monotonous content that will dissatisfy your audience.

Your content should not only have the main keywords but also make room for variations of the word and make it look as organic as possible.


Semantic SEO is essential to enjoy better rankings from organic searches. Thankfully, our article on the subject matter will inspire you to implement these tips on your website.

But if you don’t know how, you should hire a professional digital marketing agency to handle it. Abstrax Web is a leading premium agency helping businesses and brands achieve remarkable success by reshaping the way they appear from organic search.

Our services include website design and development, content marketing, SEO optimizations, wireframing, and many more. Reach out to us today.

What is Google Lighthouse
Categories search engine optimization

What is Google Lighthouse?

Website owners and digital marketers are concerned about maximizing their site’s potential and performance. SEO is essential in this current age. It’s a foolproof way to attract traffic, increase leads, and improve your conversions.

To rank for specific keywords, it is essential to know the right tools and techniques to deploy. One such tool is Google Lighthouse.

Lighthouse tool is 5a open-source designed to help improve your website’s performance and user experience by running technical checks. It uses a web browser called Chromium to build web pages and analyze them as they load. Because the tool is open-source, it is free to use and maintained by a community of developers.

Lighthouse also looks at the accessibility and SEO performances of your website pages and releases a report which you can use to analyze to improve them.  

This article provides a comprehensive guide on this innovative tool and its use.

How Does Google Lighthouse Work?

Consider what a lighthouse does; it is perhaps the highest point of a building or tower that emits light, serving as a navigational tool for captains of ships at sea. Following that logic, we can see that Lighthouse is a guide for web admins and developers.

Developed by Google, Lighthouse analyzes web apps and pages, generating best practices insights. It checks your website pages and gives instant feedback on errors, SEO, performance, accessibility, and tips on improving your website.

So, basically, Lighthouse audits the URLs of your website and shows you how good or bad it performs under best practices. Google designed the Lighthouse tool to help identify the common preventing sites from being better ranked during an organic search.

You can activate Lighthouse by running it from the command line in Chrome DevTools or as a Node module. It runs a series of audits on a URL page and generates a report for that page.

Each audit comes with a reference document explaining why that specific audit is essential and how to fix any issue.

What Metrics Does Google Lighthouse Measure?

Lighthouse analyzes your entire website based on a couple of metrics. These metrics are grouped into different categories. They include:

● Performance.

● Best Practices.

● Accessibility.

● SEO.

● Progressive Web Apps.

You can select one or more metrics to analyze. We are going to explore these Lighthouse metrics below:


In the Performance category, Lighthouse monitors how fast a web page or app loads completely. It indicates how quickly visitors can view your web content in its entirety. Some of the metrics analyzed under the Lighthouse page speed section include the following:

● First Contentful Paint (FCP). This is the time spent before the first image or text appears to visitors.

● First Meaningful Paint (FMP). This is the time when the main content of the page becomes visible to users.

● Lighthouse Speed Index. This shows how quickly the web content of a page load.

● Time to Interactive. This shows the time before a visitor can interact with web content.

● First CPU Idle. This shows the value when a web page activity is low enough to enable inputs to be processed.

● Estimated Input Latency. This shows the window of computation during a web page load.

After analysis, you will see the Google Lighthouse Performance Score. The Lighthouse Performance category also comes with recommendations for improvement.

Best Practices

The Best Practices category focuses on the security architecture of your website development. The tool checks if HTTPS or HTTP/2 is utilized by the URL. It also checks to see if the resources on the page are secure.

It also assesses the vulnerability of your JavaScript libraries, APIs, and database connections.


Lighthouse also runs several checks to see how your web pages appear on SERPs. This category is essential to generate website traffic and increasing conversions. It shows you the errors affecting your website and how to fix them.

Some of the checks include the following:

● The mobile-friendliness of your website.

● Your structured data

Meta tags.

● Crawlability and index status of your website.


The Lighthouse audit in Accessibility reveals how well your website can be utilized by people with disabilities. This includes an analysis of buttons and links to see whether they’re perfectly described.

It also checks if the images and videos on your website have been assigned an alt-tag so that they can be described by a screen reader for visually challenged people.

Progressive Web Apps

In this section, Lighthouse checks to see how functional the website is. It also checks if it works offline with internet access or returns an error.

It is essential that you run checks on the Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) on your website to monitor their functionality.

Why Should You Use Google Lighthouse?

You know what Lighthouse does, but why should you choose it over other website auditing tools?

● It is user-friendly. One of the benefits of Lighthouse audit is that it is effortless to use, even for novices. Everything is in the right place, and navigation is smooth.

● It is made by Google. The tool is developed by Google, one of the largest tech companies in the world.

● It is free. Lighthouse is free for all users compared to other auditing tools, where you’d have to subscribe to a monthly or yearly plan.

● It is open-source. The tool is open-source by design. This means there are constant updates and improvements implemented on the tool by a group of developers.

The Differences Between PageSpeed Insights and Lighthouse

Difference between Google Lighthouse and Pagespeed Insights

While Lighthouse and PageSpeed Insights carry out similar functions, they are quite distinct in some areas. What makes them different?

● PageSpeed Insight is a browser-based audit tool, while Lighthouse runs from the command line of browsers or as a Chrome extension.

● While PageSpeed Insights audits a single web page, Lighthouse analyzes an entire website.

● PageSpeed Insights focuses on the speed of a web page, while Lighthouse explores other metrics beyond speed.

How to Use Google Lighthouse

How to use Google Lighthouse

Now that you know how powerful the Lighthouse audit tool is, how do you use it? There are different methods to utilize it. Let’s explore them:

How to Run Google Lighthouse With Chrome

You can run Lighthouse from the Chrome Devtools of your browser. All you need to do is:

● Download Chrome for Desktop.

● Visit the web page you want to analyze,

● Right-click anywhere on the page and select Inspect.

● Locate the Lighthouse panel and choose the metrics you want to analyze.

● Click Analyze Page Load.

How to Use Google Lighthouse With Web.dev

Another way you can use Lighthouse audit for a web page is by using web.dev. Navigate to the page and input the URL you want to analyze.

You will see the result after the analysis has been completed.

How to Use Google Lighthouse With a Chrome Extension

You can also use Lighthouse on your Chrome extension. If you plan on using Lighthouse frequently, this is an excellent choice. To get started:

● Install the Chrome browser for Desktop.

● Click the extensions tab and search for the Lighthouse chrome extension.

● Install the extension and restart your browser.

● Visit the page you want to audit and click the Lighthouse symbol.

● Click Generate report.  

● It will generate an automated Lighthouse testing and report.

How to Optimize Your Lighthouse Performance Score on WordPress

Follow these tips to improve the Lighthouse Performance Score on your WordPress CMS.

● Optimize browser caching to manage static files on your browser.

● Optimize your fonts and remove unnecessary codes from your content.

● Use fonts preloading to improve the Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) metric.

● Reduce JavaScript execution time.

● Minimize main thread work.

● Ensure the images and embeds have the proper and uniform dimensions.


Lighthouse audit tool is an essential tool to have in your digital marketing arsenal. Thankfully, this article has explored the concept in detail. So, what are you waiting for?

Abstrax Web is a leading SEO and web design firm designed to help brands improve their SEO performance. Our services include website design and development, content marketing, wireframing, website analytics, and many more.

Reach out to us to see how we can help your business grow.

What is keyword stuffing
Categories search engine optimization

What is Keyword Stuffing?

Outranking other websites during an organic search is one of the digital marketing objectives of most website admins. The rationale is that as more users see your website on SERPs, you can generate potential leads and boost business conversions.

This has led much digital marketing in the past (and even now) to deploy outdated and terrible SEO tactics. One such tactic is keyword stuffing.

It is the process of overstuffing a web page for a particular keyword(s) to rank higher for such keywords during an organic search. It is a manipulative tactic to trick search engines. However, it has now become outdated and redundant.

They are found on the meta tags, page lists, and additional keywords to sprinkle around the page. Filling your web pages with such keywords will create a poor user experience for visitors looking to find valuable content.

It is also a black hat SEO strategy, meaning search engines can flag and penalize your website. While it might’ve been an honest mistake, you should take steps to ensure it doesn’t happen again.

This guide will explore everything you need to know about keyword stuffing and how to avoid it.

Examples of Keyword Stuffing

Spam stuffing is a terrible SEO strategy that should be avoided. This is how it looks on a website. The keyword used is “Lego toy”

Lego toy is an exciting gift you can present to your children. A Lego toy is a beautiful and stylish toy, so buy a Lego toy today. With beautiful Lego toy, your kids can have fun with those Lego toys. Their afternoons and evenings will be spent having fun with these Lego toys. So, grab a Lego toy for your kids today.

The paragraph above comes with a lot of problems:

● Keyword density. The passage shows that ‘Lego toy’ appeared seven times in a paragraph with 63 words. Search engines see this as unacceptable. It would surely earn your website a penalty.

● Audience targeting. Look at the passage critically. You will see that it is not published for people to read. It was meant to trick search engines into ranking the web page for those keywords. Any person that reads this will not bother going through the entire content.

● Content intent. When you read that passage, you get zero sense of purpose. The entire paragraph is just a placeholder for “Lego toys”.

You need to write your content with your target audience in mind. Editing and proofreading your content enables you to spot and correct keyword stuffing.

Does Keyword Stuffing Helps Rank Your Page?

Targeted keywords are a ranking factor on Google and Bing. However, people began to abuse that opportunity by stuffing their websites with the same keyword.

Search engines realized that users were no longer receiving valuable content, as website admins focused more on irrelevant keywords all over their web pages. Google released the Florida update, which targeted spammy links, reducing the impact.

But the problem still persisted. So, the search engine released the Panda update, which demoted sites with spam stuffing in SERPs. Soon after, the Hummingbird update followed, changing how results are displayed on SERPs.

Google has always frowned at keyword stuffing. So, no, stuffing your page will not help rank your page.

Is Keyword Stuffing Good for SEO?

Keyword stuffing goes against the best SEO practices for websites. It is an outdated and terrible technique for optimizing web pages.

Google released Quality Guidelines warning website admins not to embark on the practice. It doesn’t only result in a poor user experience but will affect your ranking position on SERPs.

User experience is a ranking factor for SEO. If people cannot relate to your article, they will leave. This increases your bounce rates which is a bad SEO signal.

Why Should You Avoid Keyword Stuffing?

From what you’ve read, keyword stuffing is bad for business. But why should you avoid it entirely?

● Drives away your visitors. When visitors land on your website, they want to see content relevant to their search intent. With spammy keywords all over the place, they will leave and never recommend your website to anyone.

● Your content will appear repetitive. Stuffing your articles and web content with the same keywords will make your content repetitive and robotic. People will not spend much time on your website if it feels that way.

● Your domain authority will be affected. When your content has spam, it demotes your brand as an authority. Your website will not earn backlinks from other websites if it is filled with repeated words.

● Search engines will penalize your site. Search engines will demote your website in their result pages when it looks spammy. This means your website will not be visible to anyone from an organic search. Thus, you will miss out on visibility and generating leads.

How to Avoid Keyword Stuffing

Do you want to avoid spam stuffing your website? Follow these simple tips:

● Have a primary keyword. You know what your website offers. So, have an assigned primary keyword with other related search terms.

● Maintain a great keyword density. This is the number of times a certain keyword appears on a web page. You should keep it moderate for the best results.

● Create longer content. The longer the content, the more space to spread out the target keyword. However, the content should also be relevant.

● Add the target keywords to the page element. The target keywords should be on your web page elements such as meta title, meta description, headings, and subheadings. Be careful not to overstuff it everywhere.

Does Google Penalize for Keyword Stuffing?

Google strictly warns against irrelevant keywords for websites. They will penalize your website by demoting its position on SERPs. This means you won’t anymore if you are enjoying massive traffic from organic searches.

It is essential to avoid it entirely, so your website won’t suffer from such a fate.

How to Do Proper Keyword Optimization

keyword optimization

The success of your digital marketing campaigns lies in the keywords you optimize for SEO. So, how do you conduct proper keyword optimization for your website?

● Conduct keyword research.

● Look at the keywords your competitors are using.

● Avoid keyword stuffing.

● Create content that matches the search intent of your visitors.

● Audit your meta tags.

How Many Keywords Is Good for SEO?


After deciding which web page to optimize, you need to determine how many keywords will suit its SEO performance.

Your content should have two or three primary keywords to target for the website. If they’re more than that, placing such keywords into your meta tags will be difficult.

Having fewer primary keywords will make it easier for Google bots to rank it during an organic search.

Abstrax Web Can Do SEO Right for Your Business

Avoiding keyword stuffing is essential for your website performance for organic SEO. You need to contact a professional if you don’t know how to customize your web content without overstuffing it.

Abstrax Web is a leading digital marketing firm that will help generate more visibility, traffic, leads, and conversions for your website. Our services are specially tailored to your individual needs. They include website design and development, content marketing, mobile usability, website wireframing, and many more.

Reach out to us to see how we can help your brand.