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How to Boost Rankings With SERP Features

Website owners worldwide want one thing: to make their business rank higher above their competition. On Google’s search engine result pages (SERPs), we see different websites showing up for a certain search query, giving people relevant content.

In recent times, Google has innovated its approaches to providing relevant information to users. With 61% of internet searches coming from mobile devices, Google transforms how users see results. One of such introductions is the Google SERP features.

What are SERP features?

They are blurbs curated from the long-form post. They provide instant answers to queries at the top of the search results.

SERP feature examples include:

● Featured snippets.

● People Also Ask.

● Image Pack.

● Video Carousel.

● Local Map Pack.

● Knowledge Panel.

● Knowledge Card.

● Top Stories.

● Sitelinks.

● Top and Bottom Paid Ads.

● Shopping Results.

These features have indirectly made SEO harder for most business owners. It almost seems people will not bother to click a website if they can see the answers. However, it comes with a unique opportunity that businesses can take advantage of.

This article explores the importance of organic SERP features and how to optimize your website.

Why Is It Important to Win a Google SERP Feature?

Most digital marketers will argue that winning Google SERP features isn’t important to web traffic. However, taking advantage of the features come with several benefits.

Organic SERP features provide users with useful information relevant to their search. This enables them to make informed decisions or carry out actions. Leveraging these features can give your business an advantage over the competition.

Take the example below:

A newbie looking to identify equipment a disc jockey needs can read all the information on the page. They are more likely to click the link to read the best of the article. If the website is an eCommerce that deals in DJ equipment, it might be able to make revenue and boost its bottom line.

Featured snippets account for about 35% of all clicks on organic search positions. Thus, optimizing your website for SERP features will improve your click-through rates and increase your website traffic.

How Do I Find My SERP Ranking?

There are different tools to check your website’s SERP ranking for targeted keywords. One of such tools is the Ahrefs Free Keyword Rank Checker. All you need to do is input the keyword and your website URL and click Check Rankings.

It will automatically scan SERP features and provide you with the position of your website.

You can even see the websites ranking higher than others on the result pages for that keyword. You can use this free tool to identify the position your competitors rank for certain keywords.

This will guide you in optimizing your website for higher rankings.

Difference Between Paid and Organic SERP Features

SERP features come in two forms: paid and organic. So, what’s the difference between paid vs organic SERP features? 


The answer is simple: the cost. Paid SERP features allow web admins to pay to feature their web content in search results. This benefits digital marketers looking for instant results for their strategy.

As long as the content displayed is engaging, users will click on the link to get the whole picture. On the other hand, Organic SERP features utilize SEO to optimize web pages appearing on search results. 

While paid SERP features deliver instant results, it costs more in the long run. Organic SERP features may take some time to be visible, but optimizing your website content is relatively cheaper. 

Ways to Optimize for SERP Features

There are different ways you can optimize your website for Google SERP features. We will explore all of them below:

Keyword Research for SERP Features

Before optimizing your website to show up on SERP features, you must research the keywords that trigger such results. You can research your competitors’ SERPs opportunities for targeted keywords.

If your website can provide more valuable content, Google could replace their snippet with yours.

Semrush Organic Research provides a comprehensive list of all the organic SERP features of a website. All you need to do is:

● Type a competitor’s website and run a search.

● Click the Positions tab to see the SERP features for the analyzed domain.

From the SERP Features tab, you can track SERP features they don’t rank for. Thus, you can optimize your website to rank for that specific feature.

Optimize Content for Featured Snippets

Next, you need to optimize your website content to appear on the featured snippet. Most digital marketers would opt for writing compelling content that is better than the competitor. But it isn’t always successful in the long run.

Google will not quickly replace a featured snippet on a whim. However, there are different strategies you can deploy to convince Google to put up your content on the featured snippet.

There are different types of featured snippets. They include:

● Videos.

● Tables.

● Paragraphs.

● Lists.

One efficient way to create content that will make Google choose it is to keep it simple. Your content should be easy to read and understand.

Ensure that the content is not chunky or long-form. The easier it is for people to understand, the better it becomes for Google to feature it.

You should deploy the following strategies:

● Make your posts easier to read.

● Use numbers and bulleted lists.

● Include images, GIFs, videos, infographics, etc.

● Structure your content with headers such as H1, H2, H3, H4, etc.

These tips will make your website content easier to read, and Google will favor it by placing it on organic search positions.

Optimize for SERP Features With Structured Data

Another way you can optimize your website for Google SERP features is with structured data. This is simply the concept of organizing your website data into a database. For SEO, structured data refers to incorporating markup on a webpage. This is aimed at providing additional details around that webpage’s content.

This markup helps improve Google’s understanding of what that webpage is about. Thus, increasing its chances of being placed on SERP features.

To achieve this, you need to:

 ● Understand how structured data works.

● Choose the content you want to target for SERP features.

● Take note of the General Structured Data Guidelines and apply them to your website.

● Take advantage of properties to markup your website content.

● Run a Google Rich Results Test to check for successful optimization.

These structured data tips will help optimize your web content’s appearance on Google SERP features.

Submit Sitemap to Google

A sitemap is a file that provides detailed information about all your website pages. It aids Google’s bots in crawling your website faster and indexing your content accordingly.

Sitemaps inform Google which of your web pages are important to organic search. Sitemaps are essential if your website is relatively new with no external links. It tells Google what content is on your website without depending on backlinks from another website.

It’s also vital for a website with hundreds of pages. If your website has many pages, it will take longer for Google to completely crawl through it. A sitemap makes crawling easier and faster.

Submitting your sitemap to Google improves your chances of being featured. Follow these tips to submit your sitemap to Google:


● Sign in to your Google Search Console.

● Select your website from the sidebar.

● Click on the Sitemaps menu under the Index section.

● Enter the website address of your sitemap.xml file.

● Click submit.

Use Google SERP Optimization Tool

Using a SERP optimization tool, you can also improve your Google SERP features opportunities. It allows web admins to structure their web content, page titles, and meta description to convince Google to place it on organic search positions.

When this happens, it enhances your click-through rate (CTR) and web traffic.

Some of these tools include Higher Visibility, Mangools’ Google SERP Simulator, Wideman’s Google SERP Snippet Optimization Tool, Popupsmart’s Google SERP Tool, etc.

Improve Your SERP Feature Ranking With Abstrax Web

Improving your website rankings on organic search results requires you to have a deeper understanding of how SEO works. If you don’t know how to pull it off, reach out to a professional SEO expert.

Abstrax Web is an innovative SEO consultancy company tasked with improving your business’ visibility and traffic from organic search. Over the years, we’ve helped both small and large businesses to generate more leads, boost revenues, and increase their bottom line.

Get in touch with us today.

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A Beginner’s Guide to

SEO is constantly changing the way results are presented to search queries. When people conduct organic searches on their smartphones or PCs, Google’s bots crawl through millions of web pages to present the best and most relevant results.

Most digital marketers optimize website pages and hope for the best. They leave the job of ranking websites solely on Google’s algorithms. However, it’s essential to provide search engines with additional details to make them better understand your website. This will help them display what’s relevant to users during an organic search.

Coding schema is one of the innovative ways you can inform search engines about your website content.

This article explores everything you need to know about markup and how to implement it for your website.

What Is is a collection of schemas (descriptive tags) that are added to the HTML code of websites that web admins use to improve their content for visibility during an organic search. That’s a mouthful. So, let’s break it down.

Content schema provides detailed information to search engines so that they understand your web pages better. It allows search engines to see the meaning and the interaction between the content on your website.

Schema markup was designed by Google, Bing, and Yahoo back in 2011. This structured vocabulary helped their search algorithms understand web content, so they will rank it based on its relevance.

 There are several multiple types to indicate different sections of a website. They include: 

● Recipes

● Events

● Articles

● Local businesses

● Medical conditions

● Products

● People

When these markups are included on your site, search engines understand it better.

Why Schema Markup Is Important?

People who click on your website understand what it’s all about from the content. But search engines do not. They cannot 100% confirm the website’s content without pointers as much as they try to crawl and index web pages.

By coding schema markup into your website HTML code, you can help these engines to learn what it is all about. And this will help them display them to users in the best way during an organic search.

The importance of schema markup in SEO includes:

● Provide tags for search algorithms. Schema markups provide search engines with descriptive tags. This helps them to learn more about your website content.

● Increase web page rankings on SERPs. When search engines understand what your website is all about, it will rank better in SERPs.

● Improve website traffic. Web traffic automatically increases when search engines rank your pages higher in SERPs.

● Connect your website to your target audience. With markups in place, your website will be rightly positioned to target your audience.

Looking at these advantages of structured data, it is essential to implement schema marketing for your website.

How Does Work? provides comprehensive vocabularies web admins can incorporate on their website so that it can be understood by search engines. These vocabularies are made up of tags (microdata) that you can add to your website HTML code to improve the way search engines understand your website.

Coding schema markup into your website code will improve how it appears in organic search. All of this involves structured data. It includes matching values and names to make it easier for search bots to index your website.

Microdata – a form of schema markup – works with HTML5, generally accepted as a markup language. This markup provides a set of definitions for descriptive tags.

Types of Schema Markups

The markup indicates a wide range of web content. The multiple types are commonly used to indicate:

● Events

● Products

● Organization

● Local Businesses

● Medical conditions

● Articles

● People

When you include these markups in your website HTML code, search engines will understand how your website is set up. Search engines will then showcase this information via Rich or Featured Snippets.

How Does Schema Markup Help SEO?

SEO typically works like this:

Someone needing information tries to look it up by running an organic search on Google, Bing, or Yahoo. These search engine bots crawl through millions of web pages and display the relevant results on SERPs.

More often than not, some websites with relevant content don’t get displayed. This is because search bots do not properly understand them enough to display them for organic SEO.

With schema markup for local SEO, search bots can get a picture of what a website is all about and rank it above others for relevance. With such an understanding of website content, Google and other search engines will be able to position them in special places on their result pages.

So, yes, schema markup helps SEO for businesses in a remarkable way.

What Is the Recommended Format for Implementing Schema Markup?

There are different formats available for incorporating schema markup into your website code. It’s often difficult to decide the perfect schema markup for blog posts. However, we will look at some of the most preferred formats for implementing schema markup.

They include:


Resource Description Framework in Attributes (RDFa) is an extension to HTML5, created to help web developers structure markup for SEO.

Initially, it was considered a web standard. So, its usefulness goes beyond creating structured data for a schema. Noticeably, RDFa tags mingle with the preexisting HTML code on your web page. Some of its attributes include:

● about – it specifies the resource the metadata is all about.

● content – it overrides the content of the element for the property attribute.

● datatype – it specifies the datatype of text for use within the property attribute.

● typeof – it specifies the RDF type of the partner resource or the subject


Microdata is a special set of tags to make an annotation on HTML elements easier for search engines to read. Microdata is the best place to start if you’re a beginner web developer.

One of the drawbacks to using Microdata is that you have to mark every item within the code of your web page. However, once you get the hang of it, you can utilize it for schema marketing.

Some of its attributes include:

● itemscope – it creates the item and indicates that all the elements contain the details about it.

● itemprop – it indicates the containing tag with the specified property’s value.

● itemid – it indicates the identifier of the item

● itemref – it references properties of an element that isn’t contained in the itemscope.

● itemtype – it describes the property and item within a valid URL.


JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Objects (JSON-LD) is a style of content schema that is positioned into the <head> or <body> tag of a web document.

It uses notations such as @context and @type to specify the creativework. JSON-LD is perhaps one of the fastest ways to incorporate schema into an HTML code.

Schema on Read vs Schema on Write

Regarding schema markup, there are two types of expression: schema on read vs schema on write. We look at their differences here:

Schema on read essentially creates structured data only when it is read. The structure is applied to the data, allowing unstructured data to be stored in the database. With schema on read, you do not need to define the schema before storing the data.

Schema on write, on the other hand, deals with creating a schema for data and writing it into the database. Most of the data exists in an unstructured form. Thus, with schema on write, you have to define the schema for the data and structure it according to the schema created.

How to Add Schema Markup

If you have ever wondered how to add to website, here’s how to do it:

● Visit Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper.

● Select the type of data you want to use. It could be an article, reviews, products, etc.

● Paste the URL you want to add to the

● Select the elements to mark up on the web page.

● Fill in the external information on the markup items.

● Create your HTML.

● Add the snippets to your CMS or source code for your website.

Conclusion markup is essential for every website to gain more visibility on SERPs. If it’s too technical for you to understand, contact Abstrax Web to take care of it.

Categories search engine optimization Uncategorized

What is Google Search Console?

Today’s businesses are battling for digital supremacy on search engine result pages (SERPs). Thus, they’re investing in tools, conducting on-page optimization, and monitoring their marketing efforts.

To stand out, you need to take a keen look at your website’s performance and ascertain if you’re doing the right thing to attract leads and boost your bottom line. Google offers an array of free innovative tools to monitor your SEO performance.

One of such tools is the Google Search Console (GSC). It’s a website tool that shows web admins and digital marketers how search engines crawl through their web pages. Formerly called Google Webmaster Tools, GSC delivers sensitive data on how Google crawls and indexes your website.

With the data displayed on the platform, you will be able to see if your marketing efforts are paying off or not. More so, you will be able to discover which section of your website needs improvement.

This article discusses the intro to the Google search console and how you can take advantage of its unique features.

What Is Google Search Console Used For?

Google search console comes with several benefits. Its uses include:

● Confirming if your web pages can be crawled. One of Google Search Console’s benefits is that it helps you identify if Google can crawl through your web content. If your website cannot be crawled, it will be near impossible to show during an organic search.

● See the ranking of your web pages. With Google Search Console, you can see just how your page ranks when targeted keywords are used by users. You can also see which web page is generating the most Google site traffic. You can identify how much traffic each web page generates for your website.

● Make you understand how Google sees your website. The tool gives you a clear picture of how Google crawls through your website and indexes its content. It also provides details such as website appearance and web traffic information.

● Discover technical errors. You can spot technical errors affecting your SEO performance with this tool.

● Ensure your website is mobile-friendly. Another usefulness of Google Search Console is that you can ascertain if your website is mobile-friendly. A record 63% of organic searches come from smartphones. GSC lets you know if your website is fully optimized for mobile devices.

● Discover your website page loading speed. Search console and analytics also allow you to discover how fast your website loads on PCs and mobile devices.

● Monitor your AMPs. You can monitor your Accelerated Mobile Pages from the Google console report to check for critical errors.

Google Search Console is designed to help business owners, SEO specialists, bloggers, web developers, and site administrators.

Using Google Search Console for Traffic

Google Search Console can be used to monitor your website traffic and performance. It’s important to have this information to ascertain if you’re making the right SEO improvements on your website and its pages.

When people search for content online, Google will crawl through millions of pages and reveal the best and most relevant web pages on the search results. Google only displays pages that have been optimized for those targeted keywords.

If your website has not been optimized for those keywords, it will not appear on the SERPs. And that is going to affect your website traffic. Without web analytics tools like GSC, you won’t know whether your SEO efforts need more work.

Google search console comes with several unique features you should take note of. These features include:


Google Search Console clicks reveal your website’s exact number of clicks. This figure displayed on the dashboard is essential to ascertain that your website is performing and achieving business objectives.

For instance, if your content marketing isn’t on point, your website will take a lot of time to generate clicks. Your website content should be simple to read and understand. Your content should be original, factual, and engaging to your audience.

Your website content should be informative. People often land on pages to seek solutions to their concerns. If your website provides solutions to your targeted audience, they will always come back for more. On the plus side, they will advertise your website to their friends, generating more traffic for your website.


CTR in SEO stands for click-through rate. It’s one of the features you will find on the search console and analytics. It reveals the percentage of people who have seen your website from an organic search and have clicked on it.

If your website has a higher CTR rate, it means more people are clicking your website. The same thing follows if your CTR is less.

CTR is often a determinant of how your page ranks on SERPs. Thus, you need to carry out on-page optimization for your website. This includes editing your meta titles and descriptions for the best results.


Google search console impressions is another useful feature of the search console. It shows how frequent your web pages show on SERPs. Thus, you can examine how often your website pages appear and if users see them.

Another uniqueness is that you can monitor the impressions across all your website pages.

Average Position

What does average position mean in Google Search Console? This tab shows the average ranking of your web pages for specific keywords.

Different users, depending on their location, get different search results. Thus, your website ranking for those keywords will be slightly adjusted every time.

How to Add Your Website to Google Search Console

So, how do you submit a URL to Google Search Console? Follow these steps.

● Log in to Google Search Console. You need to log in to Google Search Console. You must have a Google account before using the tool.

● Add the URL of your website. Enter the URL of your website under the Domain section and click continue.

● Verify your domain. Google will need authenticating for it to monitor your website. On the next page, they will send you a tracking code in a TXT format. You will copy the tracking code, sign in to your domain provider and paste the code into the DNS configuration of your website.

Submit Your Sitemap to Google

You can also submit your sitemap to Google Search Console. It lets Google quickly understand your website and showcase it to users during organic searches. Here’s how:

● Sign in to Google Search Console.

● Select your website from the sidebar.

● Input your sitemap URL to the space provided.

What Is Google Indexing Tool?

Google Indexing Tools is an innovative tool that lets Google store all your website’s information. Indexing is essential in SEO performance because it allows Google to quickly fetch information about your website when people search for related content online.

You will find the URL inspection tool on the Google Search Console dashboard. It conducts a Google search comparison between Google’s index and the current to check for differences.

Configuring Search Console Data in Analytics

To get a full picture of your digital marketing efforts, you can link your Google Search Console and Google Analytics.

Here’s how to do it:

● Sign in to your Google Analytics account.

● Click Admin and locate the property and enable Search Console data sharing.

● Under the PROPERTY column, click Property Settings > Search Console Settings.

● Select the reporting views and click Save.


Google Search Console is an integral aspect of your digital marketing efforts. Now, you know how to implement, monitor, and improve your website’s SEO performance.

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Why Website Analytics is Important for Your Website

What is Website Analytics

The measurement and analysis of data to understand user behavior across web pages are known as web analytics. Analytics platforms track how many users visit a website, how many pages they visit, which pages they visit, and whether they arrived by following a link.

Web analytics platforms are used by businesses to measure and benchmark site performance and examine key metrics that drive their business, such as purchase conversion rate.

Tracking Purposes

Web analytics services may also use cookies to track individual sessions and determine repeat visits from the same browser. Because some users delete cookies and browsers have different restrictions on code snippets, no analytics platform can claim complete accuracy of their data, and different tools produce slightly different results at times.


Benefits of Web Data Analytics

1. Marketing Campaign Optimization and Tracking

Unique and specific links that you can track can be created for various marketing campaigns, whether online or offline. Tracking these unique links will provide information on how users received these marketing campaigns and whether they were useful.

By tracking all the metrics, you will be able to figure out successful campaigns in which to invest more and cancel underperforming campaigns.

2. Measure Online Traffic

Web analytics will help you figure these questions out:

● The number of users that visit your website?

● Where do they originate?

● What exactly do they do on the website?

● How much time do they spend on the website?

The analytics will categorize all sources of traffic and website conversions in an easy-to-understand manner. After analyzing the data provided, a company will recognize which activities produce the most profit for the bottom line.

The analytics track how organic and paid traffic has evolved in real-time, allowing a company to invest its time and money more effectively.

3. Monitoring the Bounce Rate

In analytics, a user who visits a website but does not find it useful is said to have a high bounce rate. A high bounce rate may indicate that visitors did not believe the content was appropriate for them or it did not correspond to the search query. Overall, a poor user experience. When a website has a high bounce rate, it isn’t easy to expect it to produce quality leads, sales, or other business conversions. Using analytics to track different exit pages will reveal the worst-performing pages in the business.

4. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Websites can only improve their conversion optimizations by utilizing web analytics. The goal of CRO is to get users to complete tasks that have been assigned to them. The conversion rate is mathematically given by dividing the number of users by the number of goals received. A website should measure many conversions, and each business should measure the most important ones to them. Here are a few conversions that anyone can begin with:

● Each stage of a sales funnel (add to carts, purchases, product views, etc.)

● Leads

● Newsletter subscriptions

● Text-link activation

● Bids and proposals

5. Increase The Effectiveness of Google Ads and Facebook ads.

When it comes to managing online advertisements, analytics plays a significant role. The data shows how many clicks and conversions the online advertisements generated and how the target audience received the ads. Efficient data collection will boost the effectiveness of online advertisements. Remarketing in advertisements is made possible by web analytics.

Categories of Web Analytics

Off-site web analytics and on-site web analytics are the two main types of web analytics.

Off-site Web Analytics

Monitoring visitor activity outside of an organization’s website to measure potential users is referred to as off-site web analytics. Off-site web analytics provides an industry-wide analysis that reveals how a company compares to its competitors. It is a type of analytics that focuses on data collected from various sources on the internet, such as social media, search engines, and forums.

On-site Web Analytics

On-site web analytics is a more specific focus that uses analytics to track visitors’ activity to a specific site to determine how well the site is performing. The information gathered is usually more relevant to the site owner and can include information about site engagement, such as what content is most popular. Page tagging and log file analysis are two technological approaches to on-site web analytics.

Page tagging is inserting code snippets into a website’s Language code via a tag management system to track website visitors and their interactions across the website. These code snippets are known as tags. When a company adds these tags to its website, it can track various metrics, including the number of pages viewed, the number of unique visitors, and the number of specific products viewed.

Logfile analysis, also known as log management, analyzes data from log files to monitor, troubleshoot, and report on a website’s performance. Log files contain records of almost every action performed on a network server, such as a web server, email server, database server, or file server.


Web Analytics Tools

Web analytics tools collect and track the user’s behavior across web pages. Here’s a list of ten Web analytics tools you can use:

● Google Analytics

Adobe analytics

● Mix panel

● Matamo

● Woopra

● Opened Analytics

● Kissmetrics


● Stat counter

● Realtime

What is a Metric In Web Analytics

Metrics measure how much your website visitors interact with your website and online brand. Metrics tell you where you Victor’s go when they visit your website, how long they stay on your website, and how often they visit.

You can Leverage website engagement metrics through web analytics tools to see what part of your site is capturing your visitor’s attention and what to do to increase engagements. Metrics also reveal the issues such as underperforming CTA’s or poorly formatted pages.

Importance of Website Analytics for Your Business

● Improves your site’s SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an important factor in determining the growth of your business. The more organic traffic your company’s website receives, the more leads and conversions it receives.

Website analytics can help your site’s SEO in a variety of ways. Knowing your visitors’ demographics and interests allows you to create targeted content and improve your search engine visibility. You can also learn more about backlinks by tracking your referrals.

● Gives information about Visitors and Enhances User Experience

When making large (or small) business decisions, it is critical to ensure that your decision does not harm your existing customers but improves their user experience. It will be more rewarding if it can bring in more new users. So, to make a safe and informed decision, you must first get to know your visitors.

You can improve your site visitors’ user experience if you know who they are based on their age, gender, geographic location, interest topics, etc.

● Track Your eCommerce Metrics and Use Them to Increase Sales

The sales report is the most important report you should learn whether you sell physical products, software, or online services. Fortunately, website analytics tools like Google Analytics and MonsterInsights display all of your important eCommerce metrics in a single report, such as total revenue, conversion rates, top products, top referral sources, etc. Then, knowing who is referring you the most sales, you can devise strategies to gain even more.


Web Analytics Services

A web analytics service is an application or agency that collects data and allows you to view and analyze it. Most services will provide detailed charts, graphs, and visualizations of data about their web users to the marketer or webmaster, often in real-time. The following are examples of web analytics services you can hire for your business or company:

● Radon Media

● WebEx

● Mainstreethost Digital Marketing Agency

● Vizion Interactive

● Omnicore

● Nester


Whether large or small scale, every online business needs web analytics to know the metrics of their website and online presence. You have to be aware of the movement of your intended clients on your website so that you can come up with a way to make them your clients.

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Map Pack

No one is a stranger to map packs. There’s a high possibility that you’ve made use of it in your car, on your personal computer, and even on your smartphones – even if you don’t realize it. The world is a digital village, and everything we need can be gotten within a few clicks.

If you’re driving and need directions to an unfamiliar location, all you have to do is use the Google 3 pack navigation on your car or smartphone. The same functionality plays when you want to locate the nearest fast food joint near you.

Businesses are taking advantage of this unique opportunity to put themselves in front of their customers. Thus, you should consider getting your business on the map pack beyond your web analytics and web design.

Do you want to improve your Google My Business ranking on search engine result pages (SERPs)? Do you want to use digital marketing to improve your local brand on google map listings? Google map packs are one of the strategies to deploy.

This article will explore everything you need to know about Google map pack and how to get your business on google maps.

Google Map Pack: What It Is & How It Works

Google Map Pack (or Google 3 pack) is what appears at the top of the SERPs when for local keyword searches. You typically see the google map packs when ‘near me’ searches are carried out by users interested in a particular brand, service, or product.

It looks just like this:

It is nicknamed google 3 pack or local 3 pack because it only displays 3 businesses about your search query. From the above image, you can spot the 3 businesses displayed for the search query ‘fast food near salt lake city ut.’

These google map citations for local SEO are accompanied by business location and direction, phone number, website address, customer reviews, and other information.

How does it work?

It’s simple. When someone types a local search query, Google curates the 3 highly ranked businesses in the vicinity. It used to be 7 but google limited it to display the best 3. In some cases, you might see a sponsored ad displayed alongside the 3 businesses.

The bottom line is google maps target people who need a local brand or service.


Why Is It Important for Your Business?

Digital marketing strategy is all about identifying what works and using it to your advantage. Google local map pack is an excellent strategy to thrive beyond your competition and register more conversions for your business.


● You get more clicks. According to research, the google 3 pack listings receive 75% of total clicks on local SERPs. This means that if your brand gets displayed on the local pack google, you will get more website visitors, phone calls from customers, and more people getting directions to your premises.

● More visibility. Map pack SEO appears at the top of SERPs, just above organic results. It’s the first thing a user sees when entering a local search. This means you get more visibility compared to local organic search results.

● Map packs dominate mobile searches. According to research, 3 of 4 persons who carry out a local search on their devices visit the brand within 24 hours. Since google 3 pack ads appear at the top of SERPs, your business is more likely to be visited.

● Boost brand reputation. Appearing on the google 3 pack listings promotes your brand reputation. It means google trusts your business to the point of showcasing it to others.

● Customers get more information about your business. Another uniqueness to google local map pack is that your potential customers can learn about your business faster than ever. They can see your contact address, phone number, directions, website, and what others say about your brand. All of this information can influence the buying decisions of your customers.

These points make google map pack beneficial and essential for your business.

How to Rank in Map Pack

Do you know how to get in the Google 3 pack during local SEO searches? There’s no one-size-fits-all strategy for making this happen.

Google map pack requirements are constantly evolving. However, there are specific steps to take to improve your google my business rankings, enhancing your chance of being on the google 3 pack listings. They include:

1. Optimize Google My Business Listing

Thinking of how to get your business on google maps? One of the best places to start is your google my business listing. If you don’t have one created, you need to create and optimize your business.

Google My Business is a unique resource to enlist your business to appear on SERPs where specific keywords are being searched. If you don’t have a google my business account, you need to create one. Google My Business improve local ranking and can help you outrank your rivals.

After creating your GMB page, you need to optimize it to appear on google map packs. Follow these steps:

● Use your exact business name.

● Remove erroneous information and duplicate listings.

● Input your business information such as category, map location, phone number, URL, hours of operation, etc.

● Writing a winning copy for your business description.

● Upload high-quality pictures.

These tips will help optimize google map listing for your business.

2. Get Online Reviews

Another way you can get your business on google 3 pack listing is to generate online customer reviews. People are on the lookout for companies they can trust. Before patronizing a business online, they’d want to read what others say about it. There’s a maps performance reviews on the google map pack with ratings on it.

A business with more positive reviews can rank higher on local SEOs and even get a spot on the Google map packs. Follow these tips to build your map reviews:

● Ask your customers for feedback after each purchase.

● Include a GMB link or QR code in your payment receipts.

● Showcase your ratings on your website and direct your visitors to your GMB page.

When you get a lot of positive reviews and high ratings, your business will get featured on the map pack SEO.

3. Build Citations

Another way you can also get your business on the google map listing is to build your local citations. It is the simple process of getting your business name mentioned with or without a backlink to your website.

You can build your google map citations for local SEO by:

● Submitting it to online directories such as Bing Places for Business, Yahoo Business Listings, Yelp, Yellow Pages, Whitepages, etc.

● Creating social media pages on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

● Incorporating local search engines such as Google, Bing Places, and Yahoo Local.

● Getting reviewed by websites such as TripAdvisor and Yelp.

● Get your business featured on local websites with high domain authority and news blogs.


What Is Google Map Category List?

Google map category list describes the nature of your business to your customers. It is one of the crucial factors that influences your local SEO ranking. For instance, if you register your business under the category Hotel, it will show up on Google Maps and google map pack when people search for ‘Hotels near me.’

Your business will be assigned a place label for your customers to locate quickly based on the chosen category.  

How to Get Your Business on Google Maps

Are you looking for how to get your business on Google Maps? Follow these steps:

● Sign in to Google Maps.

● You can add your business to the map in 3 different ways. You can click the menu icon and select Add your business. You can also right-click anywhere on the map and select Add your business. Alternatively, you can simply enter your correct address on the search bar and select Add your business on the Business Profile.

Does Google Maps Affect SEO Rankings?

Google map packs are a crucial aspect of ranking higher on SERPs. Why? It’s positioned at the top of search results, giving businesses more visibility than organic results at the bottom.

Due to its position, the google 3 pack can get you more clicks. On the plus side, it’s a unique way of improving your brand reputation and placing your business in front of businesses that need your services.


Google map pack is a free and innovative tool that literally puts your business on the map. Chances are your competitors are already thinking about it, so why not beat them to it?