What is topical Authority
Categories search engine optimization

What is Topical Authority?

Topical authority, in SEO terms, is the perceived authority of a website over a particular subject or range of issues. This is essential in ranking higher than others on search engine results pages (SERPs.)

Topic authority helps signal to Google or visitors that the website is quite skilled in the search query. It’s also a measure of your expertise and knowledge about a particular niche. Thus, the more informative your content is, the more Google perceives it as an authority in that field.

Take the example below: When you hit type ‘World news’ on Google search and hit send, you will find the following:

Google considers websites such as BBC, CNN, and The Guardian as topical authorities on matters concerning World news.

Imagine your website showing up on search results like this. If Google realizes your website publishes valuable content about a topical subject, it will rank it above others during organic searches.

This article will discuss everything you need to know about topical authority in SEO and how to implement it for your website.

Why Topical Authority Is Important?

Topical authority SEO is essential in your web rankings. But what makes it so important that you must establish it for your website?

We look at the reasons below:

You Will Earn More Backlinks

Topical authority helps you to earn backlinks from other websites. When you consistently publish high-quality content on your website, it makes you an authority in Google’s eyes and others.

After finding relevant content there, other website owners or content editors will share a link to your website. The more links to your website, the more valuable it becomes to Google.

You Build More Trust With Readers

A topical authority is essential in building trust with your readers. When you continually publish great topical relevance about certain areas, they will keep coming back to read and learn more.

They will quickly recommend your website to others who need similar information. This goes a long way in increasing leads and improving your bottom line. When more people trust your website, the more likely they will buy what you’re selling.

Topical authority keeps your website at the back of your visitors’ minds. So, they’d remember your website before anyone else when they need topical content.  

Google Ranks Your Website Higher

Content is king. What separates your websites from others is the type of content on yours. Google thrives on revealing valuable content to users.

So, when your web pages are filled with valuable content and adhere to other SEO guidelines, Google will place them ahead of others.

What Is Topical Relevance?

Topical relevance is how search engines like Google determine how important a web page is to user queries. When people search for content, Google’s bot crawls through millions of web pages in search of topically relevant content to display.

The process by which that happens is topical relevance. The determining factors include but are not limited to keyword research, backlinks, and the nature of the content.

Topical relevance is vital because it helps inform site crawlers on the search authority and reliability of the website. For instance, when high authority websites link to yours, you become relevant to Google, which will reflect on your page rankings.

Similarly, if your website is optimized with targeted keywords, it ranks higher in SERPs.

How Do You Gain Topical Authority?

Throughout the article, we’ve been discussing how essential topical authority is to the SEO performance of websites. But how do you pull it off? Follow these simple tips:

Choose Specific Niche

First, you need to select a niche to build authority in. If your content marketing is structured to explore different topics, your website will not be regarded as an authority.

Remember the saying: Jack of all trades; master of none. The same scenario plays out with websites. When visitors go through your website and discover that it explores different non-similar topics, they won’t want to trust or take advice from it.

During crawling and indexing, Google spots the same anomaly too. Thus, they won’t know what to rank your website for.

You need to choose a specific niche to stand out.

Conduct Keyword Research

After choosing a niche, you need to learn the topics your readers want to read on. More so, you need to know what questions they’re asking. Thus, you need to conduct keyword relevance research.

There are several ways to go about it. You can simply carry out Google customized search. Take the examples below for when you search what digital marketing is.

These sections give you an idea of what people are searching for when they look up digital marketing.

Another method is running keywords through keyword research. Consider the same example using keyword research tools.

Here, you’d find the keywords and questions generating the most searches. These keyword tools include Ahrefs Ubersuggest, SEMrush, Google Keyword Planner, SECockpit, Moz, KWFinder, and KeywordTool.

More so, you can also conduct a competitor analysis, by seeing the keywords they’re using to rank during an organic search.

These strategies help you understand the search authority and how it plays in SEO rankings.

Content Depth

After researching the keywords used, you need to create compelling content to match. Your website articles and blogs should be long-form and well-researched content. The articles should grab your audience from when they land on your page so they won’t leave.

Your content should contain images, infographics, videos, and other media that might help improve its visual appearance. According to research, longer content improves your SEO rankings. Your authority content should be 1,000 words minimum and around 2,000 words maximum.  

Topic Clustering

Topic clusters SEO is grouping several articles or pages under a central topic. It’s an organized approach to content creation and marketing.

Consider the example below:

Topic Clustering

You will see that the news is also categorized under topics such as Sports, Reel, Travel, Culture, and others. So, if someone wants to read up on happenings in the sports world, they will click Sports.

To establish authority in SEO, your website should have the following:

● Pillars. These are broad pages that link to several topic cluster pages.

● Topic clusters. These pages provide more in-depth answers to the pillar pages. A Sports pillar page on a news website can lead to topic clusters such as Football, Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, and many others.

What Is Authority Content?

Authority content is the process of creating high-quality information to generate engagement, build trust, and provide help to a targeted audience. It’s a continuous process of publishing engaging content on your website or social media pages.

This often earns you backlinks from authority websites, including Wikipedia, government sites, university websites, and popular niche sites.

Releasing authority content is a continuous process. You should consistently release high-quality content that will resonate with your audience.

How to Build Topical Authority

Building topical authority is all about doing what works. Follow these steps:

● Choose a specific niche.

● Conduct keyword research.

● Create high-quality content.

● Establish topic clustering.

● Share your posts on social media.


A topical authority is vital for having a successful SEO campaign. These strategies and tips mentioned will help in your digital marketing strategy.